Letter from our founder - Andrew Hill
Dear Readers
We, at Xiersen, have just passed a very important milestone. We have printed a Chinese version collector’s edition of the first five chapters of Special Slices. It is hard to express how moved the team was when we opened the box with these freshly printed books. We were overwhelmed by being able to touch and show people the stories in a non-digital format. So old school and wonderful!

This is only the beginning for us. We are going to get a China publication number and begin to print many copies which we will distribute around Shanghai and China. We will also be preparing chapters 6 - 11for printing our second volume of the series. We hope to have volume 1 in mass printing by early Summer and volume 2 by early Autumn.

But fans of Special Slices do not need to worry, we are making new chapters at this time! We have our beloved characters Kate and Zach meeting more people, learning more and teaching us all a lot about the special needs community in China. Updates on the postings of new chapters will be coming soon.

I am sure many of you are wondering if we will be printing an English version of the Manga. The answer is YES! We are in the finalizing process of the English printed version and hopefully will have a collector’s edition in English ready by mid-summer. If you would be interested in getting your own copy, make sure to check back to the website and we will make sure you can get one for your collection.
Thank you as always for supporting Special Slices and hope you enjoy the Manga as much as we enjoy making it for you.
Best Regards